Online Course

About the path of initiation

An online course in 5 independent parts - for you to watch at your own leisure. The parts can be watched in any sequence that calls you.

The course is hosted by WeClustr, you can visit here to find out more or purchase it


Tanmaya will share about

I. Why our own inner climate is relevant for world peace and how to change it

Course description

Often we feel that our inner climate is a result of our environment or our past. In this section, we will discuss this from a metaphysical perspective. Cecile Tanmaya will answer questions such as: what is the energy of emotions? Where do they sit energetically? How can we transform them? She will also share how we have peace in the inner and outer universe through ancient metaphysical lineage tools including ancient activations performed by the ancient Egyptians and the Initiations of the Mystery Schools.


The Way of Initiation – Rudolf Steiner

The Act of Will – Roberto Asssagioli

Initiations and Initiates in Tibet – Alexandra David-Neel

Empower Thyself Class and Initiation

II. Meditation and breathing 

Course description

Our mind is directly plugged into what as metaphysicians we often call “the Matrix”, or you could also call it the collective co-creation of humanity. In order to unplug ourselves and to start contributing a different reality rather than merely acting based on existing trends and influences we need to establish our foundation outside of that. Meditation is key as it allows us to let go of mental debris and reconnect to the vastness of spirit, from there we can learn how to redefine the boundaries of what we create both internally as well as externally. In this class, Cecile Tanmaya will lead a brief meditation practice that is very well-suited for people new to it but will benefit everyone.


Guided meditation in the course

III. The gateway to deeper knowing: our physical and spiritual senses 

Course description

“KNOW THYSELF” is at the core of all mystery school teachings. In order to know we need to apply or experience. This is what leads to understanding and ultimately to wisdom. So there is no understanding without senses as when we learn to open and use our senses properly we can understand the fabric of which reality is made and start to impact it. In this session, Cecile Tanmaya will explain the importance of sharpening our senses and how that is done in the ancient mystery school traditions.  


Rudolf Steiner – How to Know Higher Worlds

Chakra and Kundalini Workbook – John Mumford

Empower Thyself Class and Initiation


IV. Moving beyond Fight or Flight

Course description

In this section, Cecile Tanmaya will share more about what drives our fight and flight reactions, and also share tools that allow us to go beyond that including a brief exercise to support us in coming back in the moment to a state which allows a more balanced response.


To the Rescue – Insight Timer Meditation Tanmaya (@Huiwen, lets discuss if you want to include)


V. Empowerment by taking responsibilities

Course description

Empowerment starts when we start seeing how we have the power to shift things in our life that are not in alignment with our true purpose and blueprint. Often we can experience life as if we were a victim of circumstances in the present or past experiences. By learning to take back our power we can create a new reality for ourselves. The mystery school tools of rituals are very powerful to assist us in that. Tanmaya will share more about how they support us in this section.


Empower Thyself Class and Initiation