12 races on earth

The Mystery School tradition has always acknowledged and worked on a conscious level with the 12 races of magickal beings (also known as the elementals or elemental beings) that share this world with the human race. It has been believed that each race serving a purpose that had a benefit to evolution - both of our planet and humanity. 

These beings include the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies, Atlanteans, Lemurians, Mu, Vampires, and many others, that once lived openly in plain sight and in harmony on planet earth with human beings, until it was necessary for our elemental neighbours to hide (from humans) for their survival.

The 12 Races of Earth uncovers the deeper hermetic teachings of the other beings that share our planet. While these beings and their mythological origins have long been considered fiction, is this really true? After all, life imitates art - it is not simply a coincidence that there are folk tales and artistic depictions of these other races spanning the entire globe, throughout history and evolution? 

INCENTRE's class on the twelve races of earth

In this full day class as taught through The Modern Mystery School, the hidden knowledge of the other races of Earth will be revealed to you within the lineage of King Solomon!

The time has come again to reveal this sacred knowledge of our Elemental Brothers and Sisters, and to share their purpose and power with all those who are called. You are invited to learn more about who these races are, their part in the evolution of humanity and how we can rebuild harmonious and empowering relationships between all 12 Races of Earth for the benefit of human progression with us at INCENTRE.

To find out more, please get in touch here.

Exchange: £150

Note: Life Activation is a pre-requisite