Dealing with pain and ego on the spiritual path

Grace Hui for Incentre

In this day and age, the quest for spirituality has become a very wide concept. For some, it is a vow of poverty and for others, it is about attracting only positivity. In between these two are a whole range of activities and practices ranging from singing bowls to crystal healing to yoga. 

While there is inherently nothing wrong with any of the above, all of these are but tools. It is how we use the tools that will set us on the path of true growth and progression. But how do we use the tools? 

Do we know why we ascribe to certain mindsets and do these mindsets still work for us? Are they limiting us or helping us to thrive?

This goes back to how well we know ourselves. After all, how can we know what tools will work for us if we do not really know ourselves?

Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional

Many people on the spiritual path have been conditioned to think that in order to truly serve, one has to suffer. But is this really true? Or is it programming premised on confusion?

There is a difference between pain and suffering. Pain is an inevitable part of life. As humans, we feel pain at the physical loss of a loved one or the ending of a relationship, etc. These are life experiences that every human being will go through at one point or another. How we deal with pain however will determine whether we end up stuck in suffering.

For the avoidance of doubt, I am not talking about the physical suffering of those who live in war-torn countries or in areas of chronic poverty. For the purposes of this article, I am talking about the day-to-day lives and experiences of those who live in the modern developed world.

It is probably fair to say that no one likes to feel pain and many of us veer towards spirituality in a bid to transcend pain or to help others transcend pain. But do we end up getting stuck in suffering or repression?

Spiritual Ego?

In my own path of progression, I have definitely fallen into the trap of not feeling worthy of sharing the tools that I have been so privileged to have been handed down with others because I have been so enmeshed in the stresses of life. In those times, I have desperately wished those pains away instead of using the tools and trusting the process. By believing that I cannot share my light if there are unresolved ongoing problems in my life is an illusion created by my ego and realising this has been illuminating in my own growth. 

Everyone has problems and no one is perfect. As Sovereign Ipsisimus Dave Lanyon of the Modern Mystery School so aptly says : “You are not perfect the way you are”, going on to explain that no one is perfect and that the only time we are perfect is when we are seeking perfection. This is not meant to be a criticism or a put down. Rather, it is about seeing and accepting reality for what it is. Human beings are not perfect but we can always improve and if we stay in the illusion that imperfection is somehow an impediment to service or growth is what ironically stops our growth. 

It is our imperfection and our ability to accept this and to grow from it that is genuine progression. 

I was under the impression that ego was about showing off and believing that one was better than another. Upon realising that inherent feelings of unworthiness are also a part of my ego too was the most liberating self-awareness. 

If I am unable to serve because I am imperfect, then no one can because guess what? No one is perfect! Serving through imperfection and accepting my imperfections while trusting the process and improving is how we transcend the present pain. 

By hiding, I am serving no one, least of all myself. By believing that I couldn’t serve because I had problems, I was remaining stuck in my pain (which could lead to suffering).

In pretending and therefore repressing pain is what leads to suffering. In hiding in the pain, I was becoming attached to it instead of releasing it which in turn causes suffering!

Why do we suffer emotionally and mentally?

There are many reasons why human beings suffer emotionally and mentally. A big contributor to this is when we refuse to go to the underlying pain. At times, it is buried so deep that we do not even know that it is there. We learn to live with it, letting it affect our daily joy subconsciously, allowing it to affect our decisions unconsciously. In so doing, we do not live life in joy and empowerment. Instead, we live a life driven by fear and limitation. We are not free but so shackled that we are not even aware that we are living in a prison of our own making.

How do we unpack the layers?

In this day and age, there are many resources to help us unpack our trauma or to deal with stresses. Yet, many of these do not tackle the toll that past traumas have on our energy structure. These remain trapped and then over time seep into our physicality, affecting our mental and emotional health. 

While many of the resources available mainstream are important forms of support and I am certainly not advocating against them, it is also important to look at your energetic health in tandem.

How well do you know your own structure, your own space and how that feels like? How well do you have a sense of yourself? Do you know enough to know when the energy is not from your true essence and how to release it?

Knowing Thyself

The ancient mystery schools have always talked about the importance of truly knowing oneself. If we are confused between what is reality and what is an illusion, how will we know what we need to change? If we cannot see reality for what it is and accept it for what it is, how can we improve our lives? And, if we cannot improve our lives, how can we improve the state of the world? 

If we cannot discern our ego from our divine selves, how do we unstuck ourselves from present pain to prevent future suffering? How do we truly work with the powers of the universe to co-create a life of joy and freedom for all, beginning with ourselves?

Knowing oneself intimately is a complex path. Yet, it is also the foundation of true spirituality and freedom. We have all the answers of our purpose and problems within us. If we look externally, we will never find what we are looking for. As the hermetic saying goes: “As within, so without, as above, so below”. 

By knowing thyself, you also learn to trust the process and how to work with the universe effectively through a balance of surrender and will. It is not one or the other. Rather, it is a dance of both with the discernment of when is the right time to let go and when is the right time to press ahead for yourself.

But how? How do get to that level of self-awakening?

The Modern Mystery School in the lineage of King Solomon has a set path for us to know ourselves. It is a timeless path of progression that many have walked before us. All the great masters such as Jesus the Christ, Buddha and Leonardo Da Vinci who have changed the world and whose fruits still resonate in the world we live in, have all walked this path.

While each of our journeys is different, the tools handed down from teacher to student in an unbroken chain for thousands of years in this lineage will work with each of us individually. While the tools are the same, we will each respond and work with them differently and that is by design. The tools of the path work collectively while recognising that we are individuals.

The Path

In the Modern Mystery School, the path of progression is laid out for any who wish to progress. It starts with something called a “Life Activation”. The Life Activation is a sacred ceremony which activates dormant DNA. Once activated, it reconnects us to our divine blueprint giving us greater clarity, bringing light into our structure to illuminate the parts of us that need healing and release. 

After the Life Activation, comes the Empower Thyself Class and Initiation for those who wish to seek it. This is a two day class that hands down ancient rituals for your toolkit. These ancient tools, passed down fromin an oral format, in an unbroken tradition for thousands of years empower us to work with our own energy field, strengthening it, giving us a stronger sense of self. The initiation cuts through the veil of illusion and helps us to see through our own misconceptions and lies. 

When we are truly able to see reality for what it is, we will be in a position to exercise self care effectively, with precision and with lasting effects that will improve our lives.

The ability to see these things in a razor sharp way is not easy. It comes with willingness, perseverance and discipline. You first have to want it and seek it. Then, you have to follow the path and stick with it. Self empowerment and knowing yourself does not always feel comfortable. It requires you to stretch and grow. It necessitates looking at past pains and facing up to past triggers in order to acknowledge, heal and release from them. With each hurdle, we then get to know ourselves better and with that, we learn to control and master our feelings so that we can release emotions without becoming enslaved by them.

It is in walking this path and being dedicated to it that I have seen the personal fruits in my life. Trusting the process and working with it to co create my personal life of joy, serving myself and thereby serving others, always pouring from an overflowing cup, accepting imperfection and also knowing that I have the power to be better everyday. Not fearful of pain but rather, going to it in order to acknowledge it and release it so that I do not remain stuck in it, knowing that I have the full support of the tools.