Emotional Hygiene and the Mastery of our feelings

By Grace Hui for Incentre

As children, our natural state was to explore the world around us with delight and to express the feeling of wonder with unbridled amazement, without fear of judgement. We freely feel and reveal our emotions - be it joy, pain, disappointment, anger, excitement or frustration.

As we grow, society around us begins to shape us. Unconsciously, we learn to hide what we feel for fear that those feelings of vulnerability will be dismissed or worst still, be seen as a weakness. At times, we fear the power and intensity of our own feelings and suppress all that we deem negative.

Out of a desire to fit in, we start to repress ourselves from all that makes us truly human. By so doing, we lose our connection to our true selves and deny ourselves the very power that should be our birthright.

But how do we process and transcend those feelings if we do not first learn to acknowledge them within ourselves?

There is no mastery without awareness.

By denying our feelings, these feelings often get projected onto everything around us and everything we do is coloured by that which we do not acknowledge. Like it or not, what we do not “own” is still energy that takes up space. Energy does not die, it simply gets transferred.

However, if we are empowered not to be afraid of our feelings and are able to recognise them for what they are, it no longer becomes the elephant in the energetic room. That feeling, whatever it is, is visible and we no longer have to navigate our lives around it blindly. In that way, we are accountable for our own issues and it does not get passed onto a multitude of different people and scenarios.

As adults, we are also responsible for shaping the emotional health of the children around us. Children are so energetically sensitive that they are able to pick up and take on all the emotions that the adults around them repress.

We can only create an environment where children are taught emotional hygiene so that they can be free to express themselves while learning how to exercise discernment if we are empowered to face and master our own feelings first.

If everyone was empowered to be aware of and therefore accountable for their own feelings and issues, the world would be a much more loving and peaceful place for all of us that reside in it.

How do we connect to the freedom of the inner child with wisdom and discernment?

How do we give our feelings healthy expression in a safe manner?

How do we gain mastery?

The path of the initiate is one that gives us the tools of empowerment, expansion and enlightened perception.

To embark on the path of empowerment and the beginning of knowing, there is a 2-day class, “Empower Thyself” which will then be followed by an initiation into the lineage of King Solomon.

You will learn:

♥ How to strengthen your energy field so you aren’t affected by energies around you♥
♥ How to bring awareness to and shift emotions within yourself so you can come to balance♥
♥How to step out of negative thought loops ♥
♥How to access the wisdom of your own higher self♥
♥How to anchor light in your life daily♥
♥How to work with light beings to support you and your community♥

There are two upcoming dates for “Empower Thyself”
19/20th of June 10 am - 6 pm

at INCENTRE London
95-99 Lancaster Gate, Bayswater, London W2 3NS

Exchange: 1100£

Deposit: 150£

You can book this class here

For queries, please feel free to email me here