How a Life Activation can heal, provide Clarity and totally Transform your Life

Grace Hui and Ceclie Tanmaya for Incentre

You are reading this article because we are alive and searching for something that can propel you forward in your progression in the knowledge that there is something so much more than our physical body. Something far more expansive, a connection to spirit, a spark of the divine. 

Having a Life Activation is an age old lineage based ritual that will reawaken the sacred within every human being. 

From a personal perspective, it started me on an enriching journey of truly knowing myself. A path that is by no means complete, but one that is filled with wonder and gratitude as I continue to walk it.

What is a Life Activation?

The Life Activation session is a modality practised by the ancient mystery schools which has been handed down from teacher to student in an unbroken chain for thousands of years. 

This is a spiritual Activation that awakens your divine blueprint and heightens your connection with your Higher Self - the place within yourself where you are connected to spirit without the distraction of the human mind or the negative ego. This is the space where you exist as you truly are, with full access to your divine gifts and purpose. The light that comes into your structure through the life activation helps you to release old patterns and clear early programming, including karmic patterns. It works on all of your energy bodies: the etheric energy, the aura, the elemental energy, the magnetic energy. 

The Life Activation can be described as a light shining into a dark corner. It makes visible what was hidden in the shadows, but more than that, it gives you the ability to work through what you see.

When is the best time to receive a Life Activation?

The short answer is - ANYTIME! 

Everyone wants to be able to navigate life better, to have greater clarity, to make better decisions for ourselves, to find our true selves, to discover our purposes and to fulfil our goals and missions. The Life Activation is the session that will set us up for all of these and more.

The Life Activation works with multiple energy bodies at the same time, clearing blockages and bringing immense clarity. Without the distraction of our negative thought and behaviour patterns, mind loops or self sabotage, we are able to see with razor sharp focus, what we need to do and the light that comes in with the session supports us in taking the actions in line with our highest goods.

That is of course not to say that the session is a passive one. Rather, it brings in the guidance and tools needed for us to do what is necessary in order to live to our highest potential, at once supportive and empowering.

While the modality has been practised in the same fashion, unchanged through the ages, the light works with each of us individually, in each of our highest goods. Like an adventure waiting to be unfurled, the Life Activation is like the beginning of a quest - the enriching, rewarding and illuminating journey to build the most important relationship you will ever have - the one you have with yourself. 

We are who we are for a reason and to be able to have a relationship with yourself that is built on kindness and honesty is one that will carry you through all the experiences in life with joy and courage.

What to expect after the session?

It is like when you have a bucket of muddy water and add fresh water into the mix gradually. There is a period of clearing which is gentle and integrative. As the fresh water flows in and you start becoming aware of the changes you want to make, emotions can come up and be cleared. For example, you may feel the desire to declutter your house or make other changes related to “clearing house” such as accepting a new job or your expressing yourself in a way that is more true to you.

Some people experience a period of rest while others embark on a flurry of activity. It is a time to go with the flow as guided by your inner knowing. We can trust the light to work with us in the way that is best for us. 

There is no need to compare or contrast your experience with anyone else’s. The post Life Activation process is one where we allow layers of our true self to emerge while also allowing things that no longer serve us or which were never really us, to fade away. 

Where does the Life Activation come from?

This modality is more than 3000 years old and has its roots in the hermetic mystery traditions.  There are drawings of ancient Egyptians performing this activation, which is essentially an ancient form of ceremonial healing. 

Over 3500 years ago, King Solomon brought together healers and medicine people from all over the world in his temple in Alexandria where they exchanged healing methods and collectively, they established a wide body of knowledge that is called the King Solomon lineage today. 

What to expect from the session?

It is generally a very soothing and calming healing experience. However, at times the session can feel like a stretching is happening as you are quite literally opening yourself up to more light. 

The space for your session will have been set-up with incense and sacred geometry to flow a high vibration that is supportive to a relaxing and safe experience. 

It is a very comprehensive session that works with all your energy bodies. It can be described as a bit like an MOT –  everything gets fixed and re-balanced. 

In the first part of the session all your energy bodies: 16 lotus petals, elemental lines, magnetic lines, and chakra lines are balanced. This leaves you with a greater sense of emotional and mental stability. This in turn, prepares you for the activation, which uses a specially prepared wand and crystal.  

As humans, we are made up of the 4 elements of earth, water, air and fire. We need each of these to be in balance within us to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Within each element are qualities which help us to navigate life. Fire, is the spark of creation - how we get inspired to create. Air is the element that brings forth our the intellect, our thoughts and ideas. Water brings us in touch with our emotions and feelings while earth grounds us, helping us to take the actions to bring forth what we want and to manifest.

If each of these are not in balanced, we will not be able to experience flow in its fullest extent. 

In the second part of the session you will then sit down and receive the activation which is done with a special crystal wand that flows the light to you and support you in clearing old patterns and ancient karmic burdens. 

Thereafter, you will receive a set of alchemical sprays to support you in integrating the session.

What are the Alchemical Sprays?

These alchemical sprays are made by ritual masters in a temple in Toronto, and are purchased by Life Activation practitioners in advance for their clients. The only physical ingredient in these sprays is purified water, but it is infused with high vibrations that will support the client to integrate all of the new light into their energy field.

What are the Benefits?

There are huge benefits to having a Life Activation. For one, it lasts for life. Once you have that light anchored in your system, it will not disappear. However, what you choose to do with it, which can in turn affect how your experience and work with the light, is up to you. The Mystery School traditions always respect free will and the Life Activation is a methodology that empowers without encroachment on free will. 

While the full extent of the benefits of a Life Activation are too many to name. Some of the key benefits are immense clarity, joy, fulfilment, peace and flow. 

As the dormant DNA gets switched on, there is a source of energy inside the DNA, what you might call the God Principle, which ‘lights people up’ and shifts them into a positive, joyful space. This activation does not only give you access to dormant potential but plugs humans into the circulatory system connecting us to God. This modality therefore physically hooks up humans to a greater consciousness and the Divinity within.

With a direct and unhindered connection to higher wisdom, the fog of confusion lifts and you gain greater insights into your true purpose in this physical life. 

Many have reported having a greater acceleration in their lives. They are able to manifest things quicker, get over stuff quicker, break negative patterns of thoughts and behaviours faster and so on. Moving through and navigating life with increased speed, the Life Activation provides breakthrough in growth and learning with greater access to your own personal divine roadmap.

Many have also experienced more fulfilling relationships that are healthier and more supportive. There are also benefits to your physical health as the Life Activation can strengthen your immune system.

As your structure is infused with light, you are quite literally shining from within. Having this precious resource radiate from inside you allows you to quite literally spread hope, joy, peace and love to those you come into contact with.

In a nutshell some of the main benefits that people often experience include:

  • Stronger resilience and emotional stability

  • Greater sense of clarity, intuition, and insight

  • Feeling more connected to themselves and the divine

  • Energetic alignment with life purpose

  • Latent talents beginning to express over time

  • More energy available to create the life you truly desire

What to expect afterwards?

As we are all individuals, we will not all experience the same things from the session. This is perfectly normal and expected. While the method is consistent, what we feel may differ. That said, this is a very sacred process and we can trust always, that the immense light brought into our structure will work with us for each of our highest goods.

The session works on all subtle energy bodies at the same time so is very comprehensive and excellent to target any kind of blocks: mental, emotional or spiritual. 

This session works on all levels, targeting your nervous system, as well as your physical, your emotional, and your higher self. The session will continue to have an effect over a period of  approximately 1 to 3 months. 

Although a set protocol is followed the results can vary a lot for each client as the session removes individual blocks. Clients can transform difficult patterns or emotions, break through fears that were holding them back to move forward with a project or change and make positive changes in their lifestyle and environment. 

Your Life Activation practitioner will also reach out to you to check in with you and always feel free to reach out too!