Lifting the Veil - What is a Mystery School?


Information, Knowledge and Wisdom

By Grace Hui for Incentre

As humans, we are often searching for something beyond our physicality. At different stages of our evolution, most of us have always understood that there was something more out there. In ancient days, the concepts of sacredness were interwoven into our daily lives. Our ancestors accepted our oneness with the universe and the laws of nature as part and parcel of our very existence.

The Shamanic societies understood this well and taught individuals to live in harmony and as one with our true heritage, but as we developed into a modern culture we lost the true understanding of our heritage. Since the Middle Ages, the Mystery Schools have hidden in plain sight. They have built noble temples all over the world and provided services both to the public and behind closed doors for only ‘those who have eyes to see,’ and ‘those who have ears to hear.’

Ever since the Middle Ages, these teachings have therefore been referred to as the Hidden Knowledge.

The notion of separation from one and another, from nature and from our galactic heritage is a product of modern life.

The pursuit of science was meant to be a journey of understanding. Old masters such as Galileo Galilei, Pythagoras and Leonardo Da Vinci approached science with curiosity and wonder, as a means to unlock the mysteries of life and existence. They respected the laws of nature and never saw science as a siloed standalone odyssey. Rather, it was meant to be a holistic journey of discovery that encompassed something much wider than our physical existence. 

Yet, as time progressed, that voyage of expansion has become a limiting force that has blinded us from the vast sagacity and discernment that should be our birthright.

In our quest for knowledge, we have gained information but lost our wisdom.


What is the Mystery?

The word “mystery” often connotes some kind of hidden secret that needs to be uncovered. Over time, it may even have conveyed fear - fear of the unknown.

The term “mystery school” could lead some to consider the whole thing “woo woo” or nonsense while others could become fixated on the idea that there lies something out there to be discovered. Borrowing a phrase from The X Files - “The Truth is Out There”. 

But is it?

The mysteries of life lie hidden but unlike the common misconception, it is not hidden out there. It is hidden within.

It is only when you shine a light inward, within yourself that you slowly uncover who you really are - your gifts, your shadows, your life’s purpose and the blueprint of your soul. It is only when you welcome in more light and are able to hold that light that you become aware of your Godhood and form an unbroken connection to the divine.

Therein lies the mystery. The mystery of the self - I AM.


What is a Mystery School?

Mystery Schools have been in existence since ancient times. Their primary mission was to protect and preserve the ancient systems of enlightenment, healing, manifestation, transmutation and transformation so that they can be continually used by humanity for its collective progression.

Mystery School teachings are imparted by an oral tradition. Rooted in shamanic and mystic ways of wisdom, these teachings are handed down unbroken from teacher to student in an unbroken lineage that has withstood the test of time.

It is not premised on “energetic downloads” or “channelled teachings” that create instant masters of teachers. Rather, it is the power of lineage-based physical initiations that confers the authority of the path. This has been down with every Master of Light who has ever walked the earth - such as Lord Buddha, Guan Yin and Jesus Christ.

It is through the process of initiation that our energy structures are able to bring in more light so that we may work with it to fulfil our life's purpose. It is also through the process of initiation that we are able to retain that light and radiate it outwards like a beacon to the world.

The initiates are those who are known as the Guardians, the Protectors, the Light bearers, the Teachers, the Healers, the Record Keepers, the Magickians, and the Watchers, among many other names.

To understand GOD, we must first understand ourselves who were made in their image. Mystery schools exist to empower us to “Know Thyself“.

Who am I?

  • What am I?

  • Where do I come from?

  • Where am I going?

  • What is my purpose?

The Mystery School does not teach religion. It does not support dogma, political ideas or any specific cultural programme. Its sole interest lies in individual empowerment to enhance our lives in a positive way. We see all things in an eternal perspective and we accept all persons equally without prejudices towards any race, color, or circumstances. We expect every individual to be capable of reaching Self-Mastery and accomplishing their own Great Work.

The focus of the Mystery School teachings is therefore to impart the individual with the keys to empower thyself, know thyself and finally to master thyself.


How many Mystery Schools are there?

There are currently seven Ancient Mystery Schools still in existence on the planet. These seven are located in North America, England, Romania, Australia, Japan, Tibet and Africa. Six of these schools are closed to the public. The Modern Mystery School is open to the public, allowing those who aspire to higher knowledge to do so while living in and among the world.

The mission of The Modern Mystery School is to support humanity in rebuilding Heaven on Earth. We believe in the inherent goodness of the human race and seek to support each individual in doing their part to exercise their free will to anchor “shamballah”. This New Paradigm will return us to the days of The Garden of Eden where we lived beyond the veil, in peace, oneness and harmony with all sentient beings. 

To do this, The Modern Mystery School is dedicated to study, practice and teach magick using methods that have been proven to bring results in our physical reality in the belief that the true nature of magick is to manifest in the physical what the individual desires as long as those desires are in alignment with the Light and not with the negative ego and the attachment that comes with it. 

An integral part of the path within the school is to bring forth our higher selves so that we are always led with our higher minds and hearts. This can only be possible with the purification of our ego so that magick can manifest from a place of purity, discernment and discipline.

We believe that we are Eternal Beings. We have never been born and so, we can never die. Our existence in a physical body is but a pit stop to learn about individuation and creation.


The Role of the Mystery School at these times

The energies on our planet have been shifting in the last hundred years or so. In line with that shift, the Mystery Schools have begun to release these ancient teachings to the public.In a process that began with The Golden Dawn in England, these teachings have become more accessible to the public at large.

These massive energy shifts means that we are once again waking up to our true divine nature. Mystery School Initiates have the opportunity to take a vital role in the unfolding of this age of changes by embracing our higher life purpose, becoming an agent of positive change, manifesting spirit, and attaining Mastery over the Self. We are ready to take the next step forward in our evolution, to embrace our divinity here in the physical.

We are ready to take the next step forward in our evolution, to embrace our divinity here in the physical.

The Leadership of The Modern Mystery School

The lineage of the Modern Mystery School dates back to the times of King Salomon and has, therefore, over 3,000 years of history and lineage.

It has three sovereign lineage holders - Hierophant Gudni Gudnason, Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon and Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome. Together, they form the Third Order.

Alongside the Third Order 7 Ipissima have been initiated into the highest initiation grade of the school. They hold specific keys. E.g. Ipissima Theresa Bullard is the Lineage Holder for Kabbalah. There is also The Council of 12, made up of 12 women who are high-level initiates from all over the world who serve as leadership for the Modern Mystery School.

The Council of 12 work directly with the Third Order to execute the directives of the Hierarchy of Light for service to humanity on this earth. The 12 women provide council, confirmation and conference to the members of the Third Order about the various projects and missions of the Modern Mystery School.

What INCENTRE and the Modern Mystery School Offer

The Modern Mystery School and INCENTRE believe in giving everyone the right to choose to pursue the path of initiation into the Light, by creating the opportunity and opening its doors to all who seek it.

The Modern Mystery School trains and certifies a worldwide network of independent “Light Centres,” where the lineage takes on new members through in-person initiation. These centres such as INCENTRE offer a variety of spiritual classes, healing sessions, and activations

In the Modern Mystery School, the integrity of our lineage is of utmost importance and preserved through many methods, including:

  • Initiation into Adepthood (first initiation) as well as the various stages of progression, paths and certification

  • Annual Professional Developement for Certified MMS Life Activation Practitioners, Healers, Teachers & Guides to uphold the quality in healing modalities and services provided

  • Apprenticeship training for Guides, Master Teachers, International Instructors and Program Leaders to ensure teachers of any subject are in full alignment with teachings and can offer the highest quality of energy

  • On-going training: Initiates of varying degrees —Adepts, Life Activation Practitioners, Guides, Ritual Masters, International Instructors — are invited several times a year to ongoing training to expand their proficiency and expertise.

The Modern Mystery School currently has centres and guides located throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, Norway, Germany, Rumania, Ireland, Dubai, Israel, Hong Kong, Portugal, Spain, Japan, India, South Africa, Taiwan, the Philippines… and is constantly growing throughout the world.

The Modern Mystery School supports us as we come together to heal and empower ourselves, our communities, and set forward into self-mastery in this lifetime. Each student is invited to join us on a path of self-discovery and spiritual progression. We do not show you the way, but instead, remind you how to find that way for yourself.

INCENTRE is affiliated with the Modern Mystery School and all our healers are trained in this lineage. The initiations and healings we offer are in the linage of King Solomon.


WHY IS THE LIFE ACTIVATION THE FIRST STEP in the mystery school tradition?

The life activation is the first step because it works comprehensively on all energy bodies and allows a rebalancing and reconnection to the self from which healing is accelerated.


The way in which we live today is a culmination of our environment and our ancestor’s experiences.  This ancient shamanic session activates our purpose and starts a process of shedding that ultimately brings us back to our true selves.

You can receive a life activation anytime in your life. It is often sought out during periods of transition or when seeking accelerated growth and progression.


During the session you will at first be standing while the practitioner works around you to balance the different subtle energy bodies such as the chakras, magnetic lines and etheric energy. In the second part you will receive the activation for which you sit down. The session is usually experienced as gentle and relaxing. Sometimes participants describe a feeling of being energetically stretched. While most people leave the session with a sense of lightness and greater emotional and mental stability the life activation takes 1-3 months to fully integrate and the benefits are really experienced over time.


The Life Activation session is a great support in:

  • transforming difficult patterns or emotions

  • breaking through fears

  • moving forward with a project or change

  • receiving clarity

  • accelerating healing and personal growth

  • making positive changes in your lifestyle

While a set protocol is followed the benefits vary for each client as we all have different blocks or obstacles to overcome so in a way the session has very individual results.

This session works on all levels, targeting your nervous system, the physical and emotional body. It connects you more with your higher self and it is by strengthening our connection to this aspect of ourselves that we can bring more wisdom and light to the challenges of our lower self and ultimately overcome the obstacles that come from our negative ego. The life activation is a catalyst for this process.


After the session, we recommend that you support the integration by treating yourself to salt baths (or salt showers) as they support in clearing and letting go. It is also good to drink plenty of water as the session is detoxing so the water supports the gentle clearing. Sometimes in the first few days, you can experience periods of tiredness and or emotions as you are letting go of old emotions and patterns. This usually shifts after a few days. Your practitioner will be available to answer any questions you may have via WhatsApp during your integration period. During the follow-up consultation, you can receive a gentle energy clearing to support you in the integration and discuss the effect the session had on you with your practitioner who will then also be able to recommend the next steps for you.

Exchange: 250£

This includes:
The initial session which includes the full life activation and cord cutting (90mins)
A set of alchemical sprays to support with integration after the session
An optional follow-up session (60mins), this is typcially scheduled for a few weeks after your initial session

Location: INCENTRE London, 95 Lancaster Gate, W2 3NS London

How to book: or message on +44 75 831 65 409

want to speak to us?

You are welcome to get in touch using the form below and we will connect with you shortly to arrange a time to speak over the phone so you can find out more and we can discuss what would suit your goals best.
