Willing the flow…

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The full moon is a magickal time for manifesting, there is a more direct connection to the light of the moon. It illuminates and brings awareness, which is why we sometimes also see a lot in ourselves and others during that time that we want to shift and transform.

Very often, when we want to manifest something, we tend to think that the source of that manifestation is outwards. In reality, however, it is inward!

We are divine beings ♥ This means that if we are in full alignment with our divine purpose, we are able to create what we need or want with the power of our will.

Sayings such as “go with the flow” or going with “if it is meant to be it will be” are therefore only half-truths that do not recognise our true power. Such sayings imply that we need to rely on external forces to bequeath us what we want when in reality, it is our inward creation that starts the process.

When we truly embrace our divinity in full alignment with our soul’s blueprint, our will is a powerful tool. It is that will that creates the flow, not the other way round. By only going with the flow, we are flowing the power of our will away!

When we will something in full alignment with the light, we guide the flow of what we want to us without attachment. Detachment, however, is not to be confused with surrendering the will. Attachment comes from the negative ego while willing something in full alignment is a divine power that is open to all.

When we truly know ourselves, we understand that having to overcome obstacles to achieve what we want or need may well be part of the process for growth. Obstacles do not necessarily mean that what we will, is not meant for us. It just means that we may need to expand and grow before we are ready to receive what we will.

By connecting fully with our divine self we step more and more into our true power and recognise how we can shape our reality rather than let it shape us.

That is a key difference.

Initiation is a powerful and ancient way of connecting more deeply with that inner light and inner guidance and I will be offering that again in the months to come. For the time being, you are very welcome to join the meditation tomorrow. We will practice emptying our cup and connecting with the void or the universal vastness from which we can re-establish our foundation with clarity and love.

Blessings to you all


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