Ceremonial Healing: Rebalancing with LIGHT, LOVE and STRENGTH ♥★♥

At the core of your being is the true essence of who YOU are.

Light, power, strength, love, joy, playfulness… and so much beauty.

Between that and what you are experiencing right now is what? Layers of accumulated, emotions, beliefs, identities, patterns.

And because everything is vibration these patterns, emotions and thoughts all are.. vibration!

So where are they located?

In our bodies? In our mind?

The ancient science of metaphysics goes further than that and describes a number of energy bodies that are recipients or containers for vibration.

The aura, the chakras, the magnetic energy, the etheric energy, the 4 elements, the physical body, the soul and the spirit are examples of such energy bodies. When one of these systems is out of balance we experience imbalance mentally, emotionally or physically. So in ancient days medicine would encompass an understanding of how to rebalance on all these different levels.

The life activation session is an incredibly beautiful session that brings balance to all these energy bodies in one session. By rebalancing, opening, clearing these layers and by flowing light into them we can start to let go with ease from old patterns and emotions, we feel lighter, the flow starts to come in and we can start to make positive changes or attract new opportunities with grace and joy.